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Gregg Watkins and his Partner Art Haffling just remodeled this house from top to bottom as a Fix and Flip.

And we are inviting some people to the house so they can see the “after” condition and what was done.

Attendees may be:

Unlicensed Finders – People interested to learn how to “Find” off-market properties that we can buy.

Licensed Agents – Learn how to make up to 4x commission for a single deal on off-market properties!

Future Investor Partners – Start as a Finder or Agent finding off-market fixers, and after doing a few deals you’ll be given the opportunity to partner with us on future deals!

Newbies – People interested to learn more!

Gregg and Art have 40 years of combined real estate experience and have remodeled hundreds of houses. You’ll see a few examples of these on our Seren Homes website under Gallery.

You may Register Here if you want to attend.

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